<center> <img src="http://tags4friends.us/images/colors.gif" width="434" height="100" /> </center> <p>
Click any colored square to get the color number

Pick a color from above or you can also use codes below.
Example Below
YourName or Bind here.
~[c6]~[j15]YourName or Bind here.

So the above codes are brown with white trim.

You can also use codes below.

~[C0] =black, ~[C1]=darkblue,~[C2]=darkgreen,
~[C3]=darkcyan, ~[C4]=darkred, ~[C5]=darkmagenta, ~[C6]=brown, ~[C7]=grey,
 ~[C8]=darkgrey, ~[C9]=blue, ~[C10]=green, ~[C11]=cyan, ~[C12]=red, ~[C13]=magenta,
~[C14]=yellow, ~[C15]=white, ~[C16]=gold, ~[C17]=brightgold, ~[C18]=orange
~[j15] White Trim  or ~[j0]Black Trim